Configuration - scached

Example configuration file. Please note disappointing fact that configuration is not completely tested and not all values might work as expected. This will be corrected on future releases as bugs are found out.

# loglevel is between 0 and 255, larger values result
# more logging to syslog
loglevel                    0

# obstack chunk is blocksize for memory allocation
# dont change unless you are debugging
obstack-chunk               128k

# read-bufferlen is size of stack buffer on what
# io-loop tries to operate. low values result unnecessary
# memory allocations and lower performance. read bufferlen
# shoult be at least twice the expected maximum request
# packet from client
read-bufferlen              80k

# default expire delay for newly created sessions, unless
# otherwise requested on scache_open/scache_reset on clients
# ini-settings
expire-delay                1800

# socket buffer sizes for reading and writing. Dont change unless
# you know what you do. can be smaller if very lot of separate
# socket-connections will be expected
sock-sndbuf                 64k
sock-rcvbuf                 64k

# max expected request size effectively max size of data to
# store in one request, change to lower if you expect hostile
# clients otherwise don't touch
max-reqsize                 16777215

# pending sockets to queue
listen-backlog              100

# default listening port. note that if there is not explicit
# listen directives given daemon listens on all 
# addresses on listen port below
listen-port                 50659

# pidfile path
pidfile-path                /var/run/

# user and group-id to run server as
runas-user                  nobody
runas-group                 nogroup

# listening unix-sockets settings
unix-sock-owner             nobody
unix-sock-group             nogroup
unix-sock-path              /var/run/scached.sock
unix-sock-mask              0666

# debugging and running foreground
debug                       false
nodetach                    false
foreground                  false

# allow usage of auth partitions
enable-auth-partitions      true

# allow usage of host based partitions
enable-host-partitions      true

# disable unix-socket
disable-unix                false

# disable ipv4 socket
disable-ipv4                false

# disable ipv6 socket
disable-ipv6                false

# allow ring operations on default (fallback) partition
defpart-allow-ring          true

# allow counters on default (fallback) partition
defpart-allow-lvals         true

# allow counters on default (fallback) partition
defpart-allow-cache         true

# allow querying statistics of default (fallback) partition
defpart-allow-stats         true

# allow storing shared data with scache_sh* function to
# default (fallback) partition
defpart-allow-shared        true

# allow creating sessions on default (fallback) partition
defpart-allow-session       true

# allow collecting keys on session namespace
defpart-allow-collect       true

# allow collecting keys on shared namespace
defpart-allow-shcollect     true

# addresses and ports to listen at. note that if there is not 
# explicit listen directives, daemon will listen on all
# interfaces addresses
listen-addr-ipv6            ::1(50659)
#listen-addr                 my.public.hostname(50659)

# partition specification
partition "important" {

    # limits for partition, memory, count of nodes and total cache
    memory-limit      256M
    nodes-limit       512M
    cache-limit       512M

    # limit for total memory of ring-items on partition
    ring-limit        64K
    # limiting certain features. see defpart-allow-* entries
    allow-ring        true
    allow-lvals       true
    allow-cache       true
    allow-stats       true
    allow-session     true
    allow-shared      true
    allow-collect     true
    allow-shcollect   true

partition "lowvalues" {

    # limits for partition, memory, count of nodes and total cache
    memory-limit      512K
    nodes-limit       64K
    cache-limit       2M
    # limiting certain features. see defpart-allow-* entries
    allow-ring        false
    allow-lvals       true
    allow-cache       true
    allow-stats       false
    allow-session     true
    allow-shared      false
    allow-collect     false
    allow-shcollect   false

# assigning clients to partitions can be done either by
# hostname or client-sent auth string. these strings
# are matched by regexps and assinged to specified
# partition if regexp matches

# assignments are processed in session creation phase
# from first to last clients are assigned by first matching
# line

assign host ".*\.domain\.org" to partition "important"
assign auth "mySecurityIdentifierFromPhpIni" to partition "important"
assign host ".*" to partition "lowvalues"